50 Rd mags

  • When are 50 Rd mags going to be available?

  • @John Cronos The 50 rd mags have been avail right from launch of the 400e. If it is the 100rd mag you meant, that is also avail. I ordered one and received it about 5 mths ago.

  • @kkantor10 Thanks, but I meant when will 50 Rd mags be in stock again. 

  • @John Cronos we've got more 50 round mags coming soon, the exact date for them being live on the website is still TBD. I suggest you sign up to be notified when they become available, that way you'll be one of the first people to know and can snag one before they're gone.

    Just click the link below, which will take you to the item page on our website, and then underneath the button that says "Sold out" you'll see a button that says "Notify me when available". Click that button and then simply enter your email.


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