Airsoft & Sticky Targets

  • A while back I was in Bass Pro Shoppe and picked up a Umarex HK USP non blowback 6mm for $50. When I got home and put it through its paces, I went back the next day and picked up a second one. What fantastic shooters. 

    So I also picked up some gel targets and adapted one with a clothes line pulley that slides down a 20' vinyl clothes line.

    Does anyone else have ideas for airsoft targets? I liked David's cans hanging inside a gallon plastic jug. (See my post My Airgun Range in the Airgunner's Lounge for links to David's garage range) 

  • I moderate the Airsoft section on this UK Replica Airgun Forum.

  • Vinyl coated clothes line is 30' long. The target's travel time is 5 seconds. The distance from shooter to target is 5 yards. The CZ75 Duty performed flawlessly. The target is actuated by a trip string. I had a great video, but this forum apparently doesn't allow them. Bummer.

    Another beautiful day in Florida.


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