阿肯色州本顿维尔: Barra Air Guns 以“和朋友一起出门”为主题推出产品。他们的旗舰产品 Barra 1866 是第一款采用全金属多泵式手柄的气枪,类似于真正的杠杆式枪臂。正在申请专利的金属泵杆可使用合金弹丸以超过 800 FPS 的速度进行可变功率射击。此外,这款多泵式气枪是同类产品中最精确的枪 - 能够在 25 码开阔的瞄准镜下发射 1.18 CTC 弹组。Barra 1866 气动多泵式气枪还具有以下特点:能够发射弹丸或 BB 弹、金属八角形枪管、铁瞄具以及金色机匣和枪托板。
Barra Air Guns 是 Moab Ventures 的创意,该公司由沃尔玛前体育用品高级采购员 Matthew Isabell 创立。Moab Ventures 于 2018 年 8 月获得了 Bear River 和 Black Ops USA 品牌气枪的独家销售权。Barra Air Guns 的使命是创造适合与朋友一起享受的物品。
“我们相信,射击气枪是一项可以通过良性竞争建立信心和发展友谊的活动。这是一项可以教会人们终身遵守纪律的社交活动。”Moab Ventures 总裁 Matthew Isabell 说道。“在气枪行业动荡和混乱的今天,Barra 很高兴推出他们的新款 1866 气枪。它的传统和可靠的设计让您拥有一把熟悉的枪,您可以在未来几年内尽情享受。我们的 1866 气枪是过去的缩影,象征着我们对未来的乐观。我们邀请您亲手拿一把,亲自体验它的精准度!”
Barra 1866 的操作非常简单。拉回枪栓并将 BB 弹或子弹装入弹膛即可上膛。然后,可以根据需要的射击类型对步枪进行不同次数的抽动:最高速度可达 10 次。然后可以关闭枪栓,射击后重复此过程。
Barra Air Guns 可在沃尔玛、亚马逊、Pyramyd Air 或Barraairguns.com购买。体育用品经销商可通过联系sales@barraairguns.com订购 BARRA 产品。
关于 Barra 气枪
Barra Air Guns 是 BB 枪、弹丸枪和气枪制造商,致力于培养情谊、户外运动和乐趣。这就是我们专注于创造与朋友一起享受的物品的原因。射击是一项既能教育孩子、又能为所有技能水平的人带来乐趣的活动,它还能培养终身纪律。无论您是年轻人还是老手,都请到户外去。培养技能、建立信心和建立关系。
关于 Moab Ventures
Moab Ventures 是一家消费品公司。其品牌系列包括:Barra Air Guns、Bear River Air Guns、Black Ops USA Air Guns、Haus Tools 和 Roamm 背包。
13 条评论
Paul Vernon Rainville
Bought a schofield recently.the quality is amazing and the price is fair
I am honored to own such a fine piece
John McDowell
I bought my 1866 Cowboy after love at first site. It looks super and feels good. I don’t have the best eye site, but I’m hitting straws at 30 feet. It’s Febuary now, but as soon as it warms up it’s heading outside for some real fun. US Army 1967-1992.
Rich Pawling
I recently purchased and am honored to now own a Barra Air Gun. In 1997 I designed the 100th Anniversary Interpretive Presentation for the Colorado Division of Wildlife. I did extensive research on the firearms of the Old West. The show which I performed, all over Colorado, included me dressed as a market hunter who gives up his unlawful career to become a Game Warden. Your 1866 air gun reminds me of the Henry Rifle. They were extremely popular and are one of the firearms of the Old West which helped make the Cowboy a national hero.
Kasey McCall
Bought as a Christmas gift and it has definitely loved. Everyone really likes the gold touch look to it and it shoots great as well.
Lowell Shell
I received this 1866 air rifle as a Christmas gift from my daughter and I absolutely love it. The workmanship is fantastic! Beautifully made! I’m looking forward in shooting it soon . I really like this Barra product and now I’m looking into purchasing one of their pistols. I was like a “kid” again at Christmas, lol as I’m now 70 years old. Thank you Barra, I’m very impressed with your product line.
Great gun I got it for this Christmas and i shot it a lot already and it’s a really really good gun so far
Great quality and good price!
Perfect gift for my son
Luis Gomez
Loved the gun, great quality for the price! Nice to start off
James Thompson
Loved the gun, great quality for the price!
Awesome has a lot of power for what it is really fun I have to buy 2 more for me and my friend. Great quality and tons of fun 100% recommend
I bought this gun for my son for his birthday. He loves it! He says it shoots great. It is well built. He would recommend this gun.
Phoenix C
This air gun is hella good, smooth mechanics and great accuracy, going to buy 3 more
Arturo Elizondo
Their air rifle is amazing, the accuracy and range that it does is a 100/10, I would buy this again, the ammo comes out super fast with is really good, and it does amazing damage! I would recommend
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