1866 and Schofield cartridge repair.

  • I have a few shells that the rubber has fallen out of. Has anyone got a specific glue or adhesive they have successfully used to repair them? At $2 each, they shouldn't fall apart right out of the package...

  • @Joshua Nobert Yeah, they seem to deteriorate rather quickly. I had several blow right out of my Barra co2 lever action.

    Why can't we get a supplier for these without having to buy the expensive cartridges?

    Amazingly, when I mentioned this to Barry customer support, they actually sent me some replacement cartridges. Super nice people.

  • @William Brooks Hello. Barra replaced them for me once. After that ; I take Gorilla glue; dab a little on a paper towel; take a toothpick; then just put a drop or two on the outside and reinsert in cartridge. It's been working. 

    yes ; after awhile if you shoot enough they seem to wear down . I typically get about 60-65 shots from one 12 gram( use a spent 12 gram for the other ) so that way I'm not stopping and reloading pellets. Maybe that's helped a little. 

  • @Joshua Nobert 

    Just an idea
    Suppose the rubber is 2mm
    You stick a tape on a smooth (glass) surface
    Apply some oil or grease and take 2 flat pieces of plastic
    size A4 I say something of 2mm thick and place them
    on the tape 2mm apart you spray silicone in there
    wipe away what comes up immediately let it dry for a day
    and then you can cut or clip pieces of the right length
    That's how I made seals for the indicators of my motorcycle myself.

  • Joshua, may I ask are these BB shells or pellet shells?

  • Regarding the rubber seals on the Schofield pellet cartridges, I happened upon some 3/16" x 5/16" O-rings that fit nicely into the cartridge. It takes three O-rings for each cartridge and although it doesn't come flush with the base of the cartridge, it didn't seem to cause any problems in my Schofield. Use the neck of a CO2 cylinder to set the O-rings in place.

    O-rings kits are available at lots of hardware stores, Harbor Frieght and Amazon.

  • @William Brooks 

    If it works like that no problem
    But I have the Pellet version and you put the pellet
    in the back of the shell.
    I don't know the BB version but normally you put a BB in the front.
    I wonder if there is a misunderstanding
    Because this is the first time I hear that there are problems with it.
    Another fact the Webley mkVI shells are compatible with;
    Webley mkVI (obviously),
    ASG Schofield (including the 'Bear River' version)

  • Yeah, I hope it is a solution that lasts.

    Those are pellet cartridges in the photo, one with a pellet inserted. They are also compatible with the Barra 1866 CO2 rifle which I was using when the rubber seals were originally blown out. I will have to try them in the 1866 which probably has more pressure.

    I rarely use BBs in any of my guns having rifled barrels.

  • If it's for .22 shells then purchase silicon tubing 8mm  OD, 6mm ID, 1mm.

    for .177 just measure for your requirements.

  • Great, David. I'll be looking for the right size for the 177s.

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