I just rec'd my "The Schofield 7 Inch - Gunmetal" top break revolver...
Wow it looks so real, and it is all steel and hefty.
I am requesting a M1 Carbine, wood and steel in either bb or 22LR. I had a M2 Carbine back in 1965 on a remote site (USAF) in West Germany near Kassel.
I can't afford a real one, but if was anything like my "7in Schofield" I would buy it immediately! I want to own one before I pass on!
I'm dreaming...!!!
@Johnny Sutton I agree, John. An M1 carbine from Barra would be awesome. I have the Springfield Armory M1 that looks and feels like the real firearm. Unfortunately, it has been malfunctioning lately. After several shots it dumps all the co2. I thought it was the mag but it dumps both my mags the same way.
I also have the Crosman full auto M1. Not quite as realistic (no mags) but loads of fun.
I inherited my father in law's real M1, but rarely fire it due to its value. At the gun shows here in Florida, they run between $1k to $1700.