CZ75 Duty airsoft

  • I have several airsoft pistols and just ordered Barra's CZ75 Duty. They are fun to shoot at the dart board targets with the sticky surface.

  • I have the CZ Shadow 1-4.5 beautiful pistol.
    The wait will be rewarded.

  • The CZ75 p07 Duty airsoft pistol arrived yesterday. I'll put it through some trials when the weather warms up a little today. Feels great in my hand and the quality is super. Trigger is smooth. The only problem so far is that the front site came loose...will have to glue it and hope it stays in place.

  • @William Brooks 

    Congratulations on your new purchase.
    I would say a little bit of superglue.
    And a photo please ? 🤠

  • I put a drop of Gorilla Super Glue on the front sight. Hopefully it will stay there. 

    I did some USPSA practice runs and soda cans and it performed great. Very nice trigger and as accurate as any of my airsoft guns. Got 5 good mags out of it...80 rounds, good for a blowback.

  • I almost forgot that I had this ASG CZ75 P01 Shadow since 2015 tucked away in my closet. Equiped with a laser and faux silencer, it's a non blowback with drop free BB/CO2 mag.

  • @William Brooks 

    I didn't know there was a non blowback version of the Shadow1, is it more powerful than the Blowback? (nice holster) 👍

  • @Ifield The CZ75 Duty fits perfectly in that holster.

    Not sure on the fps but the manual claims 380fps. I'll have to run it through my chrony. I try to keep records on my AGs and the last entry was 150 shots on a single CO2 cartridge.

  • @William Brooks 

    150 Shots with 1 CO2 that's not bad at all 👍

  • @Ifield My sincerest apologies...When I recordered 150 shots for the Shadow, I must have been on some heavy duty drugs or at least having a senior moment. I put the shadow thru its paces today and only got 5 mags (21 BB each). Still not bad for a non-blowback.

    It was working great and the trigger which is DAO was smooth.

    My chrony said 392fps for a 5-shot average.

    I use a Canik TP9SFx for USPSA matches, but if I had to change guns, I would seriously consider a CZ75. The feel is just right.

  • @William Brooks you need to ditch that orange tips.

  • CZ75 SP-01 Accu Target 6mm

  • @David Reid Ditch I will or atleast paint it black. Beautiful Shadow BTW.

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